
Modern tech helps a Canadian lottery organization scale and catpure new markets


The client is involved in the lottery, gaming and entertainment industry in Canada. The organization is profitable and expanding operations.

In their gaming operations, the client oversaw three distinct areas: casinos and casino locations, lotteries – both online and in-terminal locations – and bingo. Each division was managed as a separate silo with its own customer database. This meant the corporation was unable to take advantage of cost savings or operational efficiencies while managing across three separate, autonomous areas.


The client wanted to increase revenue and profitability by taking advantage of rapidly changing technology and the impact it would have on their ability to scale and enter new markets quickly. There were several challenges the client faced:

  • Data Insight – three different gaming silos across three separate client databases meant an inability to implement business analytics that would deliver true customer insight
  • Agility and Scale – their existing technology infrastructure had reached its peak and could not be utilized effectively for new revenue streams and markets – everything from sports betting to web-based casinos
  • Human Capital – their existing teams were duplicating efforts three times over – a consolidated platform would mean a more efficient workforce, freeing up staff to work on strategic initiatives rather than manual operations

While Canadians still participate in lotteries, ticket sales are unpredictable. and the client wanted to invest more heavily in a more predictable (and growing) revenue stream – online gaming.

Millennials, mobile and changing user behaviours have impacted the gaming demographic, with billions being spent by highly active online users and an affluent demographic of a computer-savvy segment of the population.

During the initial internal planning, a question was raised about the impact of amalgamation and whether the new games planned for the client’s network would be able to be rolled out successfully.

The client contacted IOSecure, who has experience working with other gaming corporations in Canada, to assess their situation and potential needs.



IOSecure met with the client, listened carefully to their plan and agreed that the network infrastructure was essentially obsolete.

IOSecure offered a series of recommendationsto meet the client’s goal of using technology to achieve business efficiencies and provide a path to the online revenue the company was missing out on.


The proposal was accepted by the client and they realized the following benefits:

Outdated and expensive-to-maintain Nortel equipment was replaced with modern networking technology.

The new platform is optimized for flexibility, scalability, agility and security, and designed to support new mobile and tablet experiences

A modern IT platform which includes, to date, 4,000 separate pieces of technology – is easier and much more cost-effective to maintain.


Security has been a critical factor, ensuring that all compliance and regulatory concerns are addressed, reducing the opportunity for hacking or other online threats

A consolidated database is now at the foundation of their analytics efforts, enabling the client to take advantage of deep insight across lifestyle and user behaviours.

This will drive initiatives for a better customer experience as well as marketing and promotional efforts translating into increased revenues for the client.

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